Miss. Aloe's Teaching Philosophy and Goals

Education should be equitable, introspective, and applicable to the modern world. Since history is ridden with hypocrisy and injustice, I plan to teach all material with those truths in mind. I was fortunate enough to participate in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program throughout my secondary education, therefore I have a commitment to incorporating international perspectives and service-work experiences into my curriculum. 

I want my students to look at history from a forward perspective, in other words it is my goal that all students will be empathetic when studying the past. In order to learn the most from history we must put ourselves in the position of those we study. Moreover, I want my students to be conscious consumers of information. Students need to identify, evaluate, and critique historical documents, events, and characters in order to successfully learn from the past. Finally, I challenge myself to ensure that all my students receive the absolute best education possible. There are no excuses for mediocre teaching, and while my techniques may be unordinary at times, I hold myself and my students to the highest standards. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Resources- Boston and Nationwide

Boston, MA Resources
  • Federation for Children with Special Needs- http://www.iser.com/FCSN.html 
                 95 Berkeley Street, Suite 104
                      Boston, MA 02116
  • Boston Public Schools- http://www.bostonpublicschools.org/node/226
  • Boston After School & Beyond- http://www.bostonbeyond.org/
  • Boston Youthzone After School Programs- http://www.bostonyouthzone.com/afterschool/
  • Massachusetts Special Education Advisory Council- http://www.doe.mass.edu/boe/sac/councils/sped.html
Internet/Nationwide Resources:
  • Internet Special Education Resources- http://www.iser.com/index.shtml
  • Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice- http://cecp.air.org/
  • IDEA Homepage- http://idea.ed.gov/
  • FAPE (Free and Appropriate Education) Homepage- http://fapeonline.org/ 
  • Council for Exceptional Children- http://www.cec.sped.org/am/template.cfm?section=Home

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